Monday, June 29, 2015

Our New Surroundings

Although it has been just over a year since we moved to Kingston, NY, in some ways it seems like a lifetime, in others, no time at all. One of the things that we have been able to do since moving here is connecting with Nature! Across the street from us is a nice large wooded area with a stream running through it, which you can see in this first picture (which is the view from my office window). In the late Spring and early Summer you can really hear the stream flowing. There is also lots of wildlife around here!

The ones that seem to show themselves the most would be the birds. We have Blue Jays, Cardinals, Juncos, Sparrows, Woodpeckers, Robins, Crows, Ravens, Blackbirds, and Hummingbirds... and those are just the ones that show up in the back yard! While I am on the subject of birds... One of the most amazing things we discovered recently is actually about 5 1/2 miles from the house, is the family of Bald Eagles! We were able to catch a glimpse of the nest, before the leaves started growing on the trees. If there are babies in the nest, we have not seen them yet... I hope to soon though.

Another wonderful thing about the road we live on, is a little spot only 5 miles North of us... The Waterfall! It is set back from the road so if you don't know it's there you could easily miss it. There has been many a time when either going to or coming from the store I stop just to clear my head and re-focus my thoughts. It is a great spot to meditate and relax. Any time our friends come to visit, the Waterfall is always a stop on the tour of the area. Sometimes even making multiple trips there during a single weekend.

I have a feeling that the longer we are in this area, the more things will reveal themselves to us, when the time is right for them to do so. Until the we will continue to enjoy what we have right now.