Crystals - How to Choose One

Crystals are interesting items.  At once they can look like a simple rock or a sparkling gem.  They can be polished and smooth, rough and natural, or cut and mounted, but their energies and attributes remain the same. The type of crystal is more important than the way it looks, although there is a lot to be said about the visual impact of a geode or the way the facets of a natural point sparkle in the sunlight.

A lot of people look at a crystal "cheat sheet" that has images and properties listed for a variety of stones.  They try to determine the stone they need to have based on the type healing or protective power listed.   The people who look for the crystals in this manner are usually trying to find a talisman that will help them in a certain area of their lives, and want to make sure that they choose the "right" crystal.

This technique works but it is very limiting.  Just as we do not know everything about the crystals, the sheet we have is only a simple guide to the stones. There are so many attributes that crystals possess that it is difficult to see all of them on a list. Whole books are written about the differences among crystals, and they don't all agree on the details, so working from a short list is going to necessarily leave out some of the properties that may be important.

If you want the crystals to work with you,  you need to be attuned to them.  They are powerful entities and if you are not working in harmony their effectiveness will be limited. The best way to make sure that you are going to be working with the crystals is to see which ones call to you. Run your fingers over the crystals in the display. Feel their temperature and texture; look at the different markings and shapes they have. Pick one up and feel the power that radiates from the stone.  Hold it in your hand and let its weight rest in your hand for a few moments.

If you don't get the special feeling from this stone, try another one.  If you do feel something from the crystal, set it aside and try to find another one that you connect with.  Sometimes finding the right crystal takes just a few moments, and sometimes it can take longer.  The time it takes to find your crystals is always well spent, as is the initial part of a relationship you will build over time.

When you let the crystals call to you, the one that you need is always the one you get. We have seen many people start looking at the "cheat sheet" and then decide to let the look and feel of the stones guide them.  In most cases they find a crystal that has the properties they were originally looking for.  Sometimes the crystal they decide on doesn't seem to address the issue that they were going for, but on further reflection they have chosen one that addresses a necessary aspect of their current situation. Letting the energy of the crystals reach out to your energy is the best way to get what you need, and will often show you other issues and situations you need to acknowledge.


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